TSi Technology Demonstration
TSi-VRp Power Conditioners provide real time Voltage Correction and Elimination of Sag, Swell, Brown-Outs, Electrical Noises, Class-II Surge & Spikes. It maintains Input Power condition confirming to CBEMA (ITIC curve) for Semi-Conductors for sophisticated electronic machinery like CNC, Robotics, PLC, Drives etc.
The 20milli second correction time of TSi Power Conditioners drastically reduces maintenance issues like Card failure, drive failure, program washout, nuisance tripping due to voltage fluctuation etc. Additionally, due to higher energy efficiency compared to conventional Servo + Isolation Transformer it provides OPEX savings and fast Return on Investment
Tsi-Static Power Conditioning Technology Architecture
Common Power Quality Problems That Damage Your Machinery
Why 20 Milliseconds ?
Tsi's Secret For Powering Modern Electronic Machines
Waveforms of output of servo Stabilizer v/s TSi-VRp During Sag Event